Saturday, September 22, 2007

Americans Giving Up Sex for Interneting?

New technologies, from email to Blackberries, are often blamed for everything from failed marriages to bad sex lives. A recent study claims that a large percentage of Americans are spending less time having sex due to the amount time they spend on the Internet.

However, reading past the publicity grabbing headline, the truth may be
less alarming. Sure, Americans are reducing the amount of face-to-face
time they spend with their friends, but they are replacing it (and
other non-interactive activities like newspaper reading and television
watching) with time on the Internet. They may spend less time
face-to-face, but the net amount of time spent interacting with other
people is increased.

The statement made by the director of the study
that "I don't suppose their partners are too pleased about it" is short
sighted -- the assumption that only one of the partners is online is a
bit antiquated. Perhaps both partners are actually quite enjoying their
time online, and perhaps that time is even spent online with each other.

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